Ethereum Application Developers Course

The goal of this course is to provide the methods, skills, tools, and techniques so you can successfully create dAPPs on the Ethereum blockchain.
Ethereum Developers Course


This course is not just teaching a project.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This course is not just teaching a project. The course is teaching everything you possibly want to know about Solidity. I'm halfway through section 4, and blown away! Thank you!”

Hands on course. Thank you Thomas


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “It was a very hands on course. Thank you Thomas for bringing the right mix of theory, and practice to keep it engaging till the end.

This course helped me to get up to speed with blockchain.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I am a complete newbie, however this course helped me to get up to speed with blockchain. The course is well structured & comprehensive, with all the required study materials added.”

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Ethereum Applications Developers Course

    2. Course Overview

    3. Interview with Canadian Vitalik Buterin Co-Founder of Ethereum

    4. What is Ethereum - Part 1 (by Crypto Casey)

    5. What is Ethereum - Part 2 (What is Ether and Gas)

    6. What is Ethereum - Part 3 (How the Ethereum Network works and What are ERC-20 Tokens)

    7. What is Ethereum - Part 4 (What are ICO's and What is Ethereum 2.0)

    8. Ethereum Vs. Bitcoin_ What Sets Them Apart? | CNBC

    9. Top 5 reasons to learn Blockchain

    10. Are Blockchain Developer Jobs in demand?

    11. Quizzes - How to take

    12. Knowledge Check - Quiz: What do you know about blockchain?

    13. Knowledge Check - Quiz: What is Ethereum

    14. A Quick Introduction into the course from your Instructor

    1. How to install MetaMask and get Ether into the Wallet

    2. Assignment: Download, Install and Configure MetaMask

    3. Look behind the scenes: MetaMask, Infura, Blockchain nodes and the Ledger

    4. Send your first transaction using MetaMask

    5. Behind the Scenes: Ethereum Transactions and Signatures, Private/Public

    6. Assignment: Send Ether between Accounts in MetaMask

    7. See how blocks are chained together: Cryptographic Hashing explained

    8. Assignment: Observe how Blocks are linked together

    9. Knowledge Check - Quiz for Section 2 – Transactions, Wallets and Hashing Step by Step

    1. Lab - Creating your first Smart Contract

    2. Assignment: Create your First Smart Contract

    3. Create your first Smart Contract – explained

    4. Lab – Understanding Blockchain Nodes

    5. Understanding Blockchain Nodes – explained

    6. Assignment: Deploy Smart Contracts into Ganache

    7. Assignment: Download: Solidity Variables Cheat Sheet

    8. Lab: Variables – (Unsigned) Integers in Solidity

    9. Lab: Variables – Booleans

    10. Lab: Variables – Understanding Integer wrap around

    11. Lab: Variables – Addresses and Balances

    12. Lab: Variables – Strings in Solidity

    13. Solidity Value type variables – explained

    14. Assignment: Understand simple variables in Solidity

    15. Lab: Understanding Address and the Msg-Object – step by step

    16. Addresses and the Global Msg-Object – explained

    17. Assignment: Addresses and the global Msg.Object

    18. Lab: Starting, Stopping, Pausing and Deleting Smart Contracts

    19. Assignment: Starting, Stopping, Pausing and Deleting …

    20. LAB: Introduction to Mappings

    21. Assignment: Simple Mappings

    22. Lab: Understanding Mapping by Example

    23. Lab: Understanding Solidity Structs - Step by Step

    24. Mappings, Structs and Arrays - Explained!

    25. Assignment: Understanding Mappings and Structs

    26. Lab: Exception handling in Solidity - Require + Assert

    27. Exception: Require Assert Revert - Explained

    28. Assignment: Exception Handling – Require Assert and Revert

    29. Lab: Constructor, the Fallback Function and View/Pure Getter Functions

    30. Constructor, the Fallback Function and View/Pure Getter Functions - explained

    31. Assignment: Constructor, Fallback Function and View/Pure

    32. LAB: Modifier, Inheritance, Importing of files

    33. Modifier, Inheritance, Importing of files - explained

    34. LAB: Events and Return Values

    35. Events and Return Variables - Explained

    36. LAB: The ABI Array, Debugging and Gas

    37. ABI Array, Debugging and Gas – Explained

    38. Understanding Gas and Gas Costs Step By Step

    39. LAB: Libraries and Using

    40. Libraries and Using… – Explained

    41. Update: Solidity 0.6.0 Breaking Changes Walkthrough

    42. Knowledge Check - Quiz for Section 3 – Learning Solidity (the programming language) Step by Step with Labs

    1. Introduction to the Project we are developing

    2. Step 1: Define the basic smart contract

    3. Step 2: Securing the Smart Contract

    4. Step 3: Re-Using OpenZeppelin Smart Contract

    5. Step 4: Add allowance Functionality

    6. Step 5: Add Reduce Allowance

    7. Step 6: Improve Smart Contract Structure for better Audibility

    8. Step 7: Add Events for the Allowance Smart Contract

    9. Step 8: Add Event for Simple Wallet Smart Contract

    10. Step 9: Add the SafeMath Library

    11. Step 10: Renounce Renounce/Ownership Functionality

    12. Step 11: The Final Smart Contract from our Project

    13. Congratulations you have completed this project

    1. Installing NodeJS to get our environment set up

    2. Use Web3.js in the Node Console to send Ether from one account to the other

    3. Use Web3.js in the Node Console to interact with Smart Contracts

    4. Using Web3.js with Chrome to interact with Smart Contracts – step by step

    5. Behind the Scenes: Web3.js, Blockchain nodes, RPC, IPC, WebSocketet

    6. knowledge Check - Quiz for Section 5 – Understanding Web3.js and Browser – Smart Contract Interaction

    1. Project Introduction: This is what we are building

    2. A demo of the final Smart Contract Functionality

    3. Solidity Part: Implement Approach 1 for Payment Notifications

    4. Solidity Part: Test Approach 1 for Payment Notifications

    5. Solidity Part: Approach 2: Separate Items

    6. Solidity Part: Add Own able Functionality

    7. Truffle: Introduction to the Truffle Framework and Truffle Boxes

    8. The Truffle React Box – Explained

    9. Replace Smart Contracts in the Truffle React Box

    10. Modify the App.js and HTML part in the React Box

    11. Implement the add-item functionality to our Smart Contracts for item-tracking

    12. Add Event-Triggers to Track Payments and start the delivery process

    13. Create Unit-Tests in Truffle to maintain code-quality

    14. Congratulations you have completed this project

About this course

  • $799.00
  • 151 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content